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7 Ways to Get Outside with Baby - Fuss Free

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

One of the most daunting pieces of advice we are given as new mums, and even experienced mums, can be to make sure to leave the house for fresh air every day! Sunlight and clean wild air has a number of physical and mental health benefits including Vitamin D production, improved sleep, and also fosters an early connection to nature in the simplest way. While the sentiment is ideal, the reality can be quite a challenge when attempting to set foot into the world every day with a new baby in tow. As a mother of four, over the past 14 years, I’ve developed some great ways to ensure ease and efficiency when leaving the house. Give these a try and it may just make life a little simpler leaving more mental space to enjoy your baby and focus on the benefits of fresh air for baby and you:

  1. Pack very lightly: Half an hour or so walk really doesn’t require you bring the kitchen sink! A nappy and a small pack of wipes (think travel wipes, which are perfect for quick outings), breastfeeding mamas are always set to go milk wise, and if you bottle feed just a singular pre-made bottle should be fine.

  2. Don’t go too far: a stroll into town, or a walk around the block will offer the same sunlight and air as a countryside meander. If you do have countryside or woodlands nearby, great! These can offer extra nervous system regulating benefits.

  3. A sling or carrier: I cannot recommend using a wrap or carrier enough. Just make sure it’s good quality and well fitted or you may be in pain at the end of the day! The extra closeness of baby is great for bonding and being hands free allows more natural movement in the body. Babywearing also allows for snacking and coffee on the go!

  4. Feed & change baby first: A simple one but one that I’ve been caught out with a number of times over the years only to find myself perched on a tree stump with my boob out and a crying baby desperate for milk! Even if little one has fed recently I’d always recommend a top up before you leave the house, and a swift nappy change.

  5. Feed yourself: It’s easy to forget our own needs when we are so dedicated and wrapped up in little one’s requirements. Make a conscious effort to nourish yourself with a high protein snack before you and baby take yourselves out. The last thing you need is an energy slump when out and about.

  6. Dress appropriately: Light, removable layers are recommended for baby and you alike. Think about what the weather’s doing and go with it. Cargo trousers are amazing for walks, and any occasion truthfully, as they offer numerous large pockets to keep those essentials so that you can leave your bag at home!

  7. Don’t take it too seriously: Above all the most important and useful piece of advice I’ve ever been given is to not take it all so seriously. Baby may cry, that’s their only form of communication at this point and doesn’t necessarily mean anything major is bothering them although it can sound that way; meet your baby’s need then carry on. Be as lighthearted as you can, and ride the waves of stress and anxiety as they arrive and pass. Breathe deeply and focus on the connection of you and baby, together in the big outdoor world.

Take this as a sign to get yourself and baby out there; what can you discover together? How does baby react to the sounds of the world?

I hope you found this post useful and it inspires you to become even more connected to your baby and open to the new challenges in your journey as a mum, whether they are big or small.

Sophie x

The Local Mama Blog Editor


National Library of Medicine, ‘adequate exposure of sunlight among infants with mothers’,

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